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Mrs. McMillen


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Members of the Class of 2025:

Senior Trip and Graduation are not as far away as they may seem right now--they will be here before you know it!  To that end, I'd like to remind you all of a few requirements that must be met in order for you to attend Senior Trip (you can read these in full in the Student Handbook, pages 45-47):

  • All legal matters (probation, community service, fines/tickets, court cases, etc) must be resolved before you can attend
  • All outstanding school bills/fines must be paid in full before you can attend
  • You must have maintained a minimum attendance rate of 90% for ALL FOUR YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL (Senior Year attendance will be assessed in December and in April/Early May to ensure this minimum is being met)
  • You must have met all concession stand requirements
  • You must have been enrolled and an active student at Pattonsburg R-2 prior to the first day of your Junior year of high school

Letters and emails will be sent to all Class of 2025 parents/guardians and Seniors by September 30, 2024 with your grades 9-11 attendance rates.