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Parent and Family Engagement Policy

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Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Pattonsburg R-II School District

School Parent and Family Engagement Policy

It is the goal of the Pattonsburg R-II School Parent and Family Engagement Policy to create a partnership between parents, children, and the school.  Working as a team we can help students succeed!

This policy is designed to help facilitate then involvement of parents with their child’s educational and overall well-being.  It is the entire community’s responsibility to nurture our tomorrow.  It is the school’s mission to help provide those opportunities.

Mission Statement for School Parent and Family Engagement Policy

                The Pattonsburg R-II School Parent and Family Engagement Policy’s mission is to support children by strengthening the involvement of our community in the support of our school, children, and families by fostering positive opportunities for interaction.

Goals of School Parent and Family Engagement Policy

  1. To promote regular, two-way, meaningful communication between home and school.
  2. To promote and support responsible parenting.
  3. To recognize the fact that parents/families are the most important influence in assisting their children to learn.
  4. To promote a safe and open atmosphere for parents/families to visit the school their children attend and actively solicit parent/family support and assistance for school programs.
  5. To include parents as full partners in decisions affecting their children and families.
  6. To use available community resource to strengthen and promote school programs, family practices, and the achievement of students.

Our School’s Promise to Parents and Children

  1. We will publicize opportunities for interaction
  2. We will make an effort to schedule activities at varied times of the day to help meet the needs of busy families.
  3. We will help to keep you informed with phone calls and newsletters
  4. We will listen to your celebrations and concerns following the chain of command.
  5. We understand that your child’s best interest is at the top of your agenda.

Our School Asks Parents To:

  1. Talk with the child’s teacher frequently; ask questions; keep communication open and two-way.
  2. Support your child academically.


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