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Pattonsburg RII School Update

March 31, 2020

Pattonsburg R-II Update

Scott Ireland

Monday, March 30, 2020

Pattonsburg, staff, students, and parents,

I wanted to take a few minutes of your time to update you on our current situation at Pattonsburg R-II. Pattonsburg will remain closed through April 30th. If possible, our return date would be May 1st. I appreciate your patience during these trying times.

The administration has been in contact with each other daily to make decisions that will positively impact your child(ren) education and safety. Through these discussions, we have determined that we will implement Google Classrooms (6th -12th) starting Monday, April 6th. If you do not have internet access or are an elementary student, a new set of packets will be available for pick-up staring Friday, April 3 rd, from 12 to 1. Please turn in the original packets by April 7th from 12 to 1. Our teachers will be working diligently to ensure your child is getting the best education they can receive given the circumstances.

As we continue to provide services to your child, our staff will be conducting wellness checks later this week. We are making sure everything is going positively during your child’s time away from school. During these checks, we will be asking questions including internet accessibility.

Lunch services will continue with lunch/breakfast pick-up from 12 to 1 daily. If you would like to receive this service and have not signed up, you can still do so by contacting the school district at (660) 367 2111.

I would like to say a special thank you to the administration, office personnel, counselor, cooks, and custodians that are here every day ensuring we can continue providing services. Thank you to our teachers, students, and parents as we try to provide the best education we can.


Scott Ireland

Superintendent of Schools

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